Saturday, November 17, 2018


Dashain is the main festival of hindu religions. Dashain is the festival of happiness.

I celebrated my Dashain in my village. My village is located at Ambasi, Udayapur. My grandparents live at my village. Everyone gathered to celebrate Dashain , except my father because he is in foreign country. We got together and my grandfather put tika to all of us and gave us his blessings. We danced , sang , ate delicious food . I went to my maternal uncle's house , which is located at the same place. I put tika from my grandfather's hand and he gave blessings to me. All of them were very happy.
In my dashain holidays I went to chaudandigadi durbar and chatara bridge.


Tihar is the festival ofI went to my village to celebrate Dashain and Tihar. Tihar is celebrated for 5 days. The first day is Kaag(crow) Tihar. Me and my sister put some things for the crow to eat is the back field of our home. The second day is Kukur(dog) Tihar. Me and my sister sew a garland from flowers and put it in the neck of our dog called "Bhukule". We gave him delicious food to eat.The third day is Laxmi puja or Gai Tihar. We worshipped a cow and we made a beautiful Rangoli and then at night we worshipped goddess Laxmi. The fourth day is Govardan Puja.We worshipped an ox. The night i made a garland of makhmali flower and marigold flower. The fifth and the last day was Bhai Tika . I put tika to my brother and put him a garland and gave him delicious foods to eat.
I went to a nearby jungle called pani jaluwa with my brother and uncle.
It will be always in my memory. light and happiness.